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Pretty good!  I liked the puzzle part more than the combat part.  I think a noise that plays when an alchemical tile is picked up would help a lot, and maybe more distinct symbols.

I also wish there was more tutorial in the game, but I understand game jam game and all.

Music is really good!

Thank you for the comment! We learned a LOT during this game jam, it was our first one! We'll definitely prioritize different things in the next one like tutorials. 

I'm glad you liked the music too! The music, along with all of the assets for the game, were made during the jam itself :D 


lmao nice game

Thanks for playing! 


Good game! I'll be back to beat lvl 4!

Good luck with 5 and 6 then as well! ;)


good game! although i did find a bug that lets you move things horizontally even if you are vertical to it as long as you are facing diagonally. i also never found out how to properly do the level 4 puzzle, i just beat the evil version lol. otherwise was a lot of fun!

I wanna see that bad end win! that's a hard challenge!

I actually found the diagonal push bug while writing the code but we decided to leave it in as a little hack/"feature" haha. Glad someone found it! 


I have to say again,  I adored the voice acting and mechanics here, creative take and a good good challenge! 

Thank you!


IT WAS A GOOD GAME. make more, be good. hurray.


Great game, the puzzles are well designed and fun, and the fight is a good challenge. The bit of feedback I do have, the puzzle difficulty picks up a bit quick, the frame rate was a bit inconsistent, and the fights didn't feel super fleshed out.

Thanks for playing! We appreciate the feedback as well!